Our Mantra

Keep it real. Keep it Jesus. Because nobody needs a fake church and everyone needs Jesus. We keep it real because Jesus can see through facade and people usually can to. We keep it real because if we don't we can't truly grow. We keep it real because though the truth often hurts, in the end, it's what sets us free. We keep it Jesus because the whole bible is about Him. We keep it Jesus because He lived, died, rose again, ascended to Heaven and will return again soon. We keep it Jesus because He alone can forgive us and bring us into a relationship with God the Father. We keep it Jesus because He gives joy, peace and purpose. We keep it Jesus because He can change everything for anyone.  


our foundation // God & Us 

Strong theological foundations fuel disciple-making movements and are the bedrock that healthy churches are built upon. Theology is the study of God. What we study and believe about God connects to our real lives in dynamic and meaningful ways. We are eager to help people see the connections. Below is our simple theological framework for Real Life Sango.

God & Us                                                                                                                  The Grace of God = Our Salvation
The Glory of God = Our Passion
The Spirit of God = Our Power
The People of God = Our Family
The Word of God = Our Map
The Mission of God = Our Obsession
The Kingdom of God = Our Expectation

As it pertains to doctrine, we resonate with the phrase that the early 17th century theologian Rupertus Meldenius coined, "In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity."

If you are looking for a more detailed and expanded version of our beliefs you can find it here.  



Grace & Truth in Relationships - We desire to be a church that builds relationships balanced with grace and truth. Grace is undeserved kindness, and truth without grace is harsh. Relationships without truth are shallow and unloving. Grace and truth in relationships is our ministry philosophy. (John 1:14, Ephesians 4:15, 1 Corinthians 12:21, Proverbs 13:20)

Equip & Empower - We desire to be a church that faithfully equips and empowers followers of Jesus for ministry and missional living. Church isn't a product put on by professionals for others to consume. Instead, it is a family on mission living out God's purposes together. (Ephesians 4:11-13) 

Margin for Mission - We desire to be a church that helps people have margin in their lives so they can join Jesus in His mission. We don't want to have a different church event every night of the week. Instead, we desire know our neighbors' fears, hopes and dreams. In our personal lives and in our ministry event calendar we plan for margin so that we have the time and energy to love our neighbors well. (John 20:21, Colossians 4:5, John 9:4)

Keep it Real. Keep it Jesus. - We desire to be authentic. No pretense. No show. Just real. We keep it Jesus because anything else would be less. Jesus is the matchless, unrivaled, savior of the world. We keep our message and our focus on him. Keep it real. Keep it Jesus. This is our mantra. (1 Corinthians 2:2, Acts 20:24) 


our progress 

Since our beginning we have experienced steady growth as a church. Click the links below to read and rejoice in all that God has been doing.

2024 End of the Year Report

2023 End of the Year Report

2022 End of the Year Report

2021 End of the Year Report

2020 Mid Year Report

2019 End of the Year Report

our affiliation 

We enjoy partnering with like minded, gospel preaching, churches across denominational lines. Likewise, we have been blessed to have numerous churches across different denominations to invest in us. We are a part of the The Summit Network. We cooperate in mission partnerships with the Southern Baptist Convention, The Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, and The Cumberland Baptist Association. Each of these partnerships are voluntary and do not result in a governance hierarchy. Instead, Real Life Sango is considered an autonomous church. If this is all confusing jiberesh to you and you'd like to learn more, reach out to us and we'd love chat. 


Our Story

From the very beginning, Real Life Sango has been about Jesus and His kingdom.

A few years ago, a small team of local area pastors and ministry leaders began to dream and pray about joining together to plant a new church in the Sango area of Montgomery County. The team was united in a kingdom vision. They all saw the need. They all saw the opportunity. They agreed on an ideal place where the church plant could possibly meet. The only thing missing was a church planter to spearhead the new work. As the team met with a couple of prospective church planters, their conversations were filled with great enthusiasm, yet each time the Lord seemed to lead in different directions. Though no one could see all the details, Jesus working out His perfect plan.

Over 1,600 miles away, as the team in Clarksville prayed, God was turning an Arizona Pastor’s heart back toward Tennessee. That pastor was Freddy T. Wyatt. In September of 2017, the team invited Freddy T. to meet and pray with them about the church plant. Freddy T. and his wife Susan are both Clarksville natives and seasoned church planters, so they seemed like a perfect fit. But God would have to be in it.  

In the early morning of September 14, Freddy T. drove through Sango neighborhoods that didn’t exist 15 years ago. He expected to see new homes, but it happened to be the perfect time of morning for him to see dozens of kids and parents waiting outside for the school bus. As he drove through these neighborhoods, his heart was flooded with love for the people in his hometown. God was stirring. Later that morning, the team of Pastors and ministry leaders met with Freddy T. and shared their burden for the new plant. As they prayed that morning, Freddy T. knew that God was leading him to serve as the lead church planter.

On Freddy T.'s flight back to Phoenix, the name Real Life Church and the mantra “Keep it real. Keep it Jesus.” were solidified in his heart. In December, Freddy T., Susan and their four kids moved to Clarksville and began laying the groundwork for a healthy church plant. As the Wyatt’s said yes to God’s call, other pastors, churches and Clarksvillians began to join in on the work. We held a Preview Worship Service on August 19th, and launched weekly public services on September 9th in Carmel Elementary School.

On the Sunday after Easter 2021, we hosted our first worship gathering on our new land and were blown away by a powerful move of God. We sang. We ate. We laughed. We imagined. 19 people went public with their faith in baptism. The video below highlights that great day.

On Father’s Day 2023 we celebrated our ceremonial ground breaking and dirt officially began to move the next month. We are eagerly anticipating all that God is going to do as we move into our new building in 2024! You can be a part of helping make that happen by participating in OUR TIME.

Join the movement. Help us build something beautiful for generations to come for the glory of God! Welcome Home!