We invite you to join us in celebrating the Christmas season by giving generously toward the mission of Jesus.

For Building

Our future is bright! God has provided land and it’s time to build. We’ll be eager to share drawings and vision for our new building in the spring of 2023 and we hope to break ground toward the end of the summer or beginning of the fall in 2023. Your gift to our Christmas offering will help pave the way!

For Real Life Ft. Campbell

Our vision has always been to be a flourishing people and a multiplying movement. Next year we will send church planters, Erik & Sarah Maloy, to plant Real Life Ft. Campbell. Your gift to our Christmas offering will help send our very own missionaries to the north side of town!

For Local School Outreach

Real Life invests in four local schools year round. We provide meals, lotions, soaps, and all kinds of goodies for teachers and faculty. We also meet needs that arise among the families who attend those schools. This portion of our Christmas offering allows us to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a tangible way!

To Local Love

Every month at Real Life we have an opportunity to meet needs inside our church and in our community. We often help with a medical bill, groceries, and daily needs. It is all an expression of our love for our locals. Your gift to our Christmas offering will help us love our church and community well!

To designate your contribution for the Johnson family, please select “Christmas 2022 - Local Love” from the drop down choices on our giving page.